You can serve this salad by tossing everything together in a big bowl, or you can layer it on a platter with a drizzle of the dressing over the top of everything, or simply serve the dressing on the side. Then add your favorite salad greens to a bowl or on a platter, top with the squash, some balsamic onions, a bit of crumbly feta cheese, some sweet and spicy toasted pecans and a creamy herb dressing.

Just cut up some acorn squash (or any kind of squash that makes you happy), toss it with some olive oil, salt and pepper and pop it into the oven to roast until golden brown and cooked through. It’s a simple salad that looks really fancy and would make a delicious side to any dinner, including dinner on the big holiday – Thanksgiving!!
So after a trip to the store in which I pretty much bought every vegetable I could get my hands on…I’m currently simmering some roasted tomato soup on the stove, my oven is full of roasted brussels sprouts and I’m eating (while I type) this hearty fall salad that you see below: We just got back from a quick trip to the coast and although I tried to eat healthy while camping (healthy camping eats? haha!) I am craving all things homemade and vegetable today.