The sale represents the final chapter in the Wu-Tang Clan's ambitious project to restore both economic and experiential value to music by presenting an album as a unique work of art. The album is a unique work of art that was available for sale to one single collector, with no physical or digital duplicate in existence. Paddle8 is pleased to announce that the sole copy of the Wu-Tang Clan's album, Once Upon A Time in Shaolin., has sold to an American buyer for an undisclosed figure in the millions. Sole copy of the new album by the Wu-Tang Clan sells to an American collector Wu-Tang Clan completes sale of one-of-a-kind album Once Upon A Time in Shaolin. That will let the buyer listen to the album in style, but the rest of us peons will have to wait quite some time to hear it. Wu-Tang Clan also threw in pair of customized $55,000 PMC MB2-XBD speakers. It also includes 174-page manuscript printed on leather-bound, gilded Fedrigoni Marina parchment with lyrics, credits and the story behind each song. We pioneered a new type of intellectual property regarding the sale of a work that is simultaneously physical and digital, creating previously unexplored legal protections for a unique work that cannot be reproducedĪll backup copies of Once Upon a Time in Shaolin have now been erased, and the buyer will receive the sole remaining copy in a silver-plated jewel box. "We pioneered a new type of intellectual property regarding the sale of a work that is simultaneously physical and digital, creating previously unexplored legal protections for a unique work that cannot be reproduced." Wu-Tang Clan did pledge to donate a good portion of the proceeds to charity, and also said the project was about the ownership of artistic works. The goal was to prevent "some über-rich bastard from keeping it to himself like a collector's item," which is, of course, exactly what happened. A Kickstarter group tried (and failed) to raise enough funds to purchase the album and place it in the public domain. The producer added that while original plans for museum exhibits and listening parties under Shkreli’s ownership never came to fruition, he’s hopeful that PleasrDAO will share the music with fans in some capacity RZA said he spoke to “one of the gentlemen” involved at PleasrDAO who had “more of a Wu vibe.It certainly did that. That wasn’t the guy I met, but he definitely unfolded into that guy.” He made the deal before it was revealed of his character, his personality, and all of the insidious things he would go on to do. Speaking to Hot 97 Wednesday ( via Okayplayer), RZA admitted of the Shkreli sale: “It was in the wrong hands in reality.

It was revealed last week that crypto collective PleasrDAO had purchased the one-of-a-kind compact disc at auction from the government, who previously seized it from Shkreli the reviled hedge fund and pharmaceutical executive purchased Once Upon a Time in Shaolin directly from RZA for $2 million in 2015, three years before he was sentenced to prison on securities fraud charges.

The RZA discussed the recent $4 million sale of the Wu-Tang Clan’s one-copy-only Once Upon a Time in Shaolin and his regret about selling the album to “pharma bro” Martin Shkreli in a radio interview Wednesday.